New Delhi: Your Aadhaar card permits you to win up to Rs 30,000! UIDAI has organized a ‘My Aadhaar Online’ contest. The competition is open to all India’s citizens, and the final participation date is July 8, 2019. The Finalists will be contacted via email by August 31, 2019. The contest is open to citizens of India only. Non-Aadhaar holders aren’t eligible to take part.
There are 15 categories of Aadhaar Online Services where participants can make tutorial videos. The most innovative & explanatory motion pictures could have a hazard to win a cash prize of up to Rs 30,000.
A) Make a quick graphical/ animation video academic on any of the underneath indexed Aadhaar Online Services:
1. Download Aadhaar
2. Check Aadhaar technology/ replace popularity three
3. Locate Aadhaar Kendra
4. Update Address Online
5. Request for Address Validation Letter
6. Check online cope with updated popularity
7. Aadhaar Update History
8. Retrieve Lost or Forgotten EID/UID
9. Order Aadhaar Re-print10. Virtual ID (VID) Generator
11. Lock/Unlock Biometrics
12. Aadhaar Authentication History
13. Aadhaar Lock/Unlock
14. Verify Email/Mobile Number
15. Verify any Aadhaar online
B) The motion pictures’ length maybe 30 seconds, as much as a hundred minutes, at the simplest.
The CEO shall explain/complex the process of using any of the above-indexed carriers (ONLY ONE SERVICE per video) in a way that may be exceptionally conveyed to the residents.
D) These motion pictures may be inside the form of graphical or whiteboard animation or another format (as decided on by way of the participant) having a length of approximately 30 seconds to one hundred twenty seconds majorly (longer duration of up to 2 mins in recognize of 4 and 5 above can be required).
E) The movies should have clear sound (voice-over and song). Videos with higher sound quality may be given preference.
F) Upload the video to YouTube, Google Drive, OR Online File Sharing (e.g., WeTransfer, SendSpace, DropBox, JumpShare, Hightail, etc.). Send the video link to UIDAI via electronic mail to media.Division@uidai.Internet.In. Video despatched through every other medium will not be considered legitimate access for the competition.
G) Entries must be most effective in MP4, AVI, FLV, WMV, MPEG, or MOV video layouts. For video effectiveness, full HD or better resolution (1920×1080 px) can be given a choice.
H) All contestants must ship in their entries for this contest with details such as Aadhaar Number (participant’s), Name on Aadhaar, Contact cope and Mobile Number.
After the closing date, all eligible entries acquired during the competition period can be evaluated using UIDAI. The evaluation will be primarily based on clarification of the selected service, correctness & relevance of the content material, participant creativity, and video satisfaction and sound.
All the winners might be notified through electronic mail, and the effects can be published on social media before August 31, 2019. The outcomes may be posted on UIDAI’s legitimate social media systems – Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. The prize money may only be sent to the winner’s Aadhaar-related financial institution account.
One player can win the handiest award in any category (as selected using the UIDAI committee). However, members can ship multiple entries in specific classes to increase their chances of triumphing.