On Tuesday, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) informed that over sixty-six. Four crore residents had delivered their mobile variety to their Aadhaar card. UIDAI explains that you’ll be able to experience Aadhaar online offerings with the help of simply an Aadhaar OTP.
However, this benefit is only for citizens who have added their cellular number to their Aadhaar card. Services can affirm the 12-digit biometric, confirm registered cellular number or electronic mail identity, generate virtual identification, offline aadhaar verification, lock or release biometrics, authentication history, and order aadhaar reprint, amongst others, may be available online. Hence, various cellular varieties related to Aadhaar come as a supporting hand. Also, there are other benefits a citizen can gain by linking their cell variety. Here’s how to add a phone number to Aadhaar.
If you have not registered your mobile-wide variety while enrolling for Aadhaar, you must go to a Permanent Enrollment Centre to write it. Once you go to the enrolment center, complete an Aadhaar correction form. This time, point out your modern, usable mobile range.
Then, submit your shape and provide biometric authentication. After following this technique, the executive will give you an acknowledgment slip. Now, this slip will comprise an Update Request Number (URN).
URN is a 14-digit precise variety given to those who’ve updated their Aadhaar card. This range may be used to music the reputation of the Aadhaar card. You may also look at your Aadhaar replacement via UIDAI’s toll-free number, 1947.
The second your cellular variety is registered with the Aadhaar card, you may begin receiving One-Time-Passwords to avail offerings.
UIDAI, via its Twitter account, stated, “#AadhaarEssentials To upload or update mobile quantity on your Aadhaar, visit any Aadhaar Kendra. No report is required. To check the cellular amount registered for your Aadhaar, see.