Prescott Group Capital Management Llc reduced Air Transport Services Grp I (ATSG) stake employing 29. Ninety were mentioned in the 2018Q4 SEC submission. Prescott Group Capital Management Llc bought 262,757 shares as Air Transport Services Grp I (ATSG) ‘s inventory rose 12.28%. The Prescott Group Capital Management Llc holds 613,355 stocks with a $thirteen.99 million value, down from 876,112 in the remaining quarter. Air Transport Services Grp I now has a $1.33 billion valuation. The stock reduced 2.25% or $zero.52 over the last buying and selling consultation, reaching $22.62. About 455,171 stocks were traded. Air Transport Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ATSG) has declined 15.Sixty-three for the reason that May 6, 2018, is downtrending. It has underperformed through 20.00% of the S&P500. Some Historical ATSG News: 10/04/2018 – ATSG Delivers First of Two Leased 767 Freighters to Air.
Incheon; 07/05/2018 – Air Transport Services 1Q EPS 26c; 07/05/2018 – Air Transport Services 1Q Adj EPS 35c; 15/05/2018 – ATSG Announces Digital-Workplace-as-a-Service Powered via Tech Data’s TaaS Program; 22/04/2018 – D.J. Air Transport Services Group Inc, Inst Holders, 1Q 2018 (ATSG); 21/03/2018 – AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES GROUP INC – AMENDED AGREEMENT EXTENDS FOR FOUR YEARS FROM DATE OF RATIFICATION; 21/03/2018 – AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES – EMPLOYEES OF UNIT RATIFIED AMENDMENT TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN ATI & AIR LINE PILOTS ASSOCIATION; 07/05/2018 – Air Transport Services 1Q Rev $203M; 21/03/2018 ATI Pilots Ratify Amendment to Collective Bargaining Agreement; 17/04/2018 – Air Transport at Company Marketing Hosted By Stephens Inc Today.
Among six analysts masking Eaton Vance (NYSE: E.V.), zero has a Buy rating, 2 Sell, and 4 Hold. Therefore, zero is effective. Eaton Vance had ten analyst reports considering November 19, 2018, according to SRatingsIntel. The enterprise was downgraded on Friday, January 11, using Deutsche Bank. The firm has a “Hold” rating given on Wednesday, February 20, through Citigroup. The firm has a “Hold” rating provided on Wednesday, February 27, through Citigroup. The inventory of Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: E.V.) earned a “Hold” score using Jefferies on Friday, February 22. The firm earned a “Neutral” score on Monday, November 19, by using Citigroup. The score was maintained via Keefe Bruyette & Woods on Tuesday, February 19, with “Hold.” JP Morgan downgraded the shares of E.V. in the record on Wednesday, November 28, to an “Underweight” rating. The company has a “Sell” score with the aid of J.P. Morgan, given on Wednesday, November 28. See Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: E.V.) modern-day ratings:
- 08/03/2019 Broker: BidaskScore Rating: Hold Downgrade
- 01/03/2019 Broker: BidaskScore Rating: Buy Upgrade
- 27/02/2019 Broker: Citigroup Rating: Hold New Target: $forty.Five Maintain
- 22/02/2019 Broker: Jefferies Rating: Hold New Target: $ forty-one Maintain
- 19/02/2019 Broker: Keefe Bruyette & Woods Rating: Hold New Target: $45 Maintain
- 20/02/2019 Broker: Citigroup Rating: Hold New Target: $40 Maintain
- 11/01/2019 Broker: Deutsche Bank Old Rating: Buy New Rating: Hold Downgrade
- 28/eleven/2018 Broker: J.P. Morgan Rating: Sell New Target: $38.0000 Downgrade
- 28/11/2018 Broker: JP Morgan Old Rating: Neutral New Rating: Underweight New Target: $38 Downgrade
- 19/11/2018 Broker: Citigroup Old Rating: Buy New Rating: Neutral Old Target: $60.5 New Target: $ forty-six.Five Downgrade
Investors’ sentiment decreased to zero.99 in Q4 2018. It’s down zero.05 from 1.04 in 2018Q3. It falls, as 38 buyers sold Eaton Vance Corp. Shares while 89 reduced holdings. Thirty-nine funds opened positions, while 87 raised stakes. Eighty two.33 million stocks or 6. Sixty three% extra from 77.21 million shares in 2018Q3 had been suggested.
Retirement Systems Of Alabama gathered 151,104 stocks or zero 03% of the stock. The Pennsylvania-based Federated Investors Pa has invested 0% in Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: E.V.). Pnc Financial Service Gp Inc. invested in 8,106 stores. Profund Limited Com holds 0.02% of its Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: E.V.) portfolio for 7,810 shares.
Comerica Bancorp owns seventy-six 147 shares. Us Bancorporation De owns 24,478 shares for 0% of their portfolio. Oppenheimer Asset Mgmt stated it has 27,659 shares or zero.02 % of all its holdings. Pub Employees Retirement Systems Of Ohio has invested 0.01% in Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: E.V.). Deutsche Bancorporation Ag stated it has 663,858 stocks or 0.02% of all its holdings.
Moreover, Commonwealth Savings Bank Of Aus has 0% invested in Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: E.V.). Pension Fund Dsm Netherlands holds zero.3 % in Eaton Vance Corp.
(NYSE: E.V.) or 43,500 stocks. Montag A And Associate stated zero.Eleven% in Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: E.V.). Tiaa Cref Limited Liability Corp holds 0.01% or 282,494 shares. Service Automobile Association invested 0% of its portfolio in Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: E.V.). Thirty-six thousand eight hundred sixty-nine are owned via Sg Americas Securities Limited Liability Company.
Since November 15, 2018, it has had two buys and 0 selling transactions for $349,779. Witkos Matthew J sold $917 worth of stock. Ten thousand shares valued at $348,862 have been offered using SMITH WINTHROP H J.R. on Monday, December 17.
More fantastic latest Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: E.V.) information had been published by Seekingalpha.Com, which released: “Take A Chance On Eaton Vance – Seeking Alpha” on April 29, 2019, Seekingalpha.Com with their article: “New E.V. bill anticipated to be pitched in D.C. – Seeking Alpha” posted on April 10, 2019,
Investorplace.Com posted: “The E.V. Truck Race Is a Real Problem for Investors Considering GM Stock – Investorplace.Com” on May 03, 2019. More interesting information about Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: E.V.) has been released with the aid of and their article: “Another Electric Vehicle ETF Revs Up (NYSE: IDRV)(NASDAQ: NVDA)(NASDAQ: TSLA) – Benzinga” published on April 19, 2019, as well as Globenewswire.Com’s information article titled: “Report: Developing Opportunities inside Canadian Natural Resources, Eaton Vance, BJ’s Restaurants, and Canon — Future Expectations, Projections Moving into 2019 – GlobeNewswire” with e-book date: April 30, 2019.
Through its subsidiaries, Eaton Vance Corp. engages in creating, advertising, and managing funding funds in the United States. The enterprise has a marketplace cap of $four.Fifty-seven billion. It additionally presents funding management and counseling services to institutions and individuals. It has a 12.77 P/E ratio. Further, the company operates as an adviser and distributor of funding corporations and separate debts.
The stock reduced 1. Fifty-five% or $zero.65 over the last trading session, achieving $ forty-one. 31. About 588,605 stocks traded. Eaton Vance Corp. (NYSE: E.V.) has declined 21.03% since May 6, 2018, and is downtrending. It has underperformed by using 25.Forty% the S&P500. Some Historical EV News: 07/05/2018 – Eaton Vance Worldwide Health Adds Glaxo, Cuts Biogen; 09/04/2018 – Eaton Vance Floating-Rate 2022 Target
Term Trust’s Page Buys Shs; 19/04/2018 – DJ Eaton Vance Corp, Inst Holders, 1Q 2018 (E.V.); 26/04/2018 – Eaton Vance Municipal Closed-End Funds Announce Proposed Mergers; 23/04/2018 – Jessica A. Milano Joins Calvert as Director of ESG Research; 22/05/2018 – Eaton Vance 2Q Adj EPS 77c; 22/05/2018 – Eaton Vance 2Q Net $ninety six.4M; 27/04/2018 – Eaton Vance’s Eddie Perkin on Exxon Earnings and Outlook (Video); 02/04/2018 – Distribution Dates and Amounts Announced for Eaton Vance Closed-End Funds; 01/05/2018 – Lawrence L. Fahey Appointed President of The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust®.
More perfect current Air Transport Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ATSG) news had been published by Nasdaq.Com which released: “Amazon Is Gearing Up to Challenge FedEx and UPS – Nasdaq” on April 11, 2019, also Nasdaq.Com with their article: “Earnings Preview: Air Transport Services (ATSG) Q1 Earnings Expected to Decline – Nasdaq” published on April 29, 2019, Businesswire.Com posted: “ATSG to Host First Quarter 2019
Investor Conference Call – Business Wire” on May 01, 2019. More interesting news about Air Transport Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ATSG) was released by way of Finance.Yahoo.Com and their article: “Amazon ‘Sneezes’ One-Day Delivery, And A Chill Envelops Retail, Logistics Landscape – Yahoo Finance” posted on April 26, 2019, in addition to Finance.Yahoo.Com’s news article titled: “Here’s What Hedge Funds Think About Zai Lab Limited (ZLAB) – Yahoo Finance” with booklet date: May 04, 2019.
Since March 18, 2019, it has had five insider buys and zero sales for $778,451 interest. Johns Raymond E Jr offered $25,198 worth of stock or 1,225 shares. $117,280 stock price was sold through Crippen Jeffrey C on Wednesday, March 20. $50,100 inventory was bought via HETE JOSEPH C on Monday, March 18. Berger Michael L sold $84,623 cost of merchandise or 3,850 stocks. Shares for $501,250 were sold through Cortez Robert K on Monday, March 18.
Investors sentiment expanded to at least one.12 in 2018 Q4. It’s up to zero.22, from zero. Nine in 2018Q3. It stepped forward, as 20 investors offered ATSG shares while 38 decreased holdings. 26 budget opened positions simultaneously as 39 raised stakes—fifty-one—45 million stocks or 1.55% more than 50. Sixty-seven million shares in 2018Q3 were reported. Dimensional Fund Advsrs Limited Partnership holds 3.35M shares or zero.03% of its portfolio. Nuveen Asset Mgmt owns 1.41M stocks.
California-based Doheny Asset Management Ca has invested 0.22% in Air Transport Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ATSG). Marshall Wace Llp stated it has 14,940 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Moreover, Advisory Networks Limited Liability Corporation has 0% invested in Air Transport Services Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ATSG). State Bank Of New York Mellon Corporation gathered 299,717 shares. Alliancebernstein LP mentioned a 0.02% stake. Private Cap Limited Liability Com has invested five.01% in Air Transport Services Group, Inc.
(NASDAQ: ATSG). River Road Asset Mngmt Ltd Liability owns 2.31 million shares. Barrow Hanley Mewhinney And Strauss Limited Liability Corporation holds zero.14 % or three 0three res in its portfolio. Kennedy Cap has 501,622 stocks or 0.28% of its portfolio. Boston Prtn pronounced 74,780 shares. Vanguard mentioned four.99 M shares or 0.01% of all its holdings. Athena Capital Advsr Ltd Com accumulated ten stocks. Fifty-two,012 had been pronounced through Credit Suisse Ag.
Prescott Group Capital Management Llc extended Avaya Hldgs Corp stake by 198,037 stocks to 645,710 worth $9.40M in 2018Q4. It additionally upped Safeguard Scientifics Inc’s (NYSE: SFE) stake by 425,988 and now owns 879,640 shares. Senseonics Hldgs Inc. was raised, too.
Among two analysts overlaying Air Transport Services Gr (NASDAQ: ATSG), 2 have a Buy score, 0 Sell, and 0 Hold. Therefore, 100% are effective. Air Transport Services Gr had five analyst reviews when considering February 8, 2019, in step with SRatingsIntel. The score was upgraded by Susquehanna on Friday, February eight, to “Positive.” Imperial Capital maintained the inventory with a “Buy” rating on Tuesday, March 5.